Meet the Nodes

It's generally frowned upon nowadays to treat servers like "pets" as opposed to "cattle". And, indeed, I'm trying not to personify these little guys too much, but... you can have my custom MOTD, hostnames, and prompts when you pry them from my cold, dead fingers.

The nodes are identified with a letter A-J and labeled accordingly on the ethernet port so that if one needs to be replaced or repaired, that can be done with a minimum of confusion. Then, I gave each the name of a noble house from A Song of Ice and Fire and gave it a MOTD (based on the coat of arms) and a themed Bash prompt.

In my experience, when I'm working in multiple servers simultaneously, it's good for me to have a bright warning sign letting me know, as unambiguously as possible, what server I'm actually logged in on. (I've never blown up prod thinking it was staging, but if I'm shelled into prod I'm deeply concerned about that possibility)

This is just me being a bit over-the-top, I guess.

โœ‹ Allyrion

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Load Balancer
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:8a:7d:aa
  • IP Address:

๐Ÿž Bettley

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Control Plane 1
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:89:c1:0b
  • IP Address:

๐Ÿฆข Cargyll

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Worker
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:8a:7d:ef
  • IP Address:

๐Ÿ‹ Dalt

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Worker
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:8a:7e:9a
  • IP Address:

๐Ÿฆฉ Erenford

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Worker
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:8a:80:3c
  • IP Address:

๐ŸŒบ Fenn

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Control Plane 2
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:89:ef:61
  • IP Address:

๐Ÿงค Gardener

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Control Plane 3
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:89:aa:7d
  • IP Address:

๐ŸŒณ Harlton

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Worker
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:89:f9:23
  • IP Address:

๐Ÿ Inchfield

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Worker
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:89:fa:fc
  • IP Address:

๐Ÿฆ Jast

  • Prompt: Link
  • MoTD: Link
  • Role: Worker
  • MAC Address: d8:3a:dd:89:f0:4b
  • IP Address: