Installing Packages

Now that we have functional access to the Kubernetes Apt package repository, we can install some important Kubernetes tools:

  • kubeadm provides a straightforward way to setup and configure a Kubernetes cluster (API server, Controller Manager, DNS, etc). Kubernetes the Hard Way basically does what kubeadm does. I use kubeadm because my goal is to go not necessarily deeper, but farther.
  • kubectl is a CLI tool for administering a Kubernetes cluster; you can deploy applications, inspect resources, view logs, etc. As I'm studying for my CKA, I want to use kubectl for as much as possible.
  • kubelet runs on each and every node in the cluster and ensures that pods are functioning as desired and takes steps to correct their behavior when it does not match the desired state.

Installing these tools is comparatively simple, just sudo apt-get install -y kubeadm kubectl kubelet, or as covered in the relevant role.