Configuring Packages

Rather than YOLOing binaries onto our nodes like heathens, we'll use Apt and Ansible.

I wrote the above line before a few hours or so of fighting with Apt, Ansible, the repository signing key, documentation on the greater internet, my emotions, etc.

The long and short of it is that apt-key add is deprecated in Debian and Ubuntu, and consequently ansible.builtin.apt_key should be deprecated, but cannot be at this time for backward compatibility with older versions of Debian and Ubuntu and other derivative distributions.

The reason for this deprecation, as I understand it, is that apt-key add adds a key to /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d. Keys here can be used to sign any package, including a package downloaded from an official distro package repository. This weakens our defenses against supply-chain attacks.

The new recommendation is to add the key to /etc/apt/keyrings, where it will be used when appropriate but not, apparently, to sign for official distro package repositories.

A further complication is that the Kubernetes project has moved its package repositories a time or two and completely rewrote the repository structure.

As a result, if you Googleâ„¢, you will find a number of ways of using Ansible or a shell command to configure the Kubernetes apt repository on Debian/Ubuntu/Raspberry Pi OS, but none of them are optimal.

The Desired End-State

Here are my expectations:

  • use the new deb822 format, not the old sources.list format
  • preserve idempotence
  • don't point to deprecated package repositories
  • actually work

Existing solutions failed at one or all of these.

For the record, what we're trying to create is:

  • a file located at /etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes.asc containing the Kubernetes package repository signing key
  • a file located at /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.sources containing information about the Kubernetes package repository.

The latter should look something like the following:

X-Repolib-Name: kubernetes
Types: deb
Suites: /
Architectures: arm64
Signed-By: /etc/apt/keyrings/kubernetes.asc

The Solution

After quite some time and effort and suffering, I arrived at a solution.

You can review the original task file for changes, but I'm embedding it here because it was weirdly a nightmare to arrive at a working solution.

I've edited this only to substitute strings for the variables that point to them, so it should be a working solution more-or-less out-of-the-box.

- name: 'Install packages needed to use the Kubernetes Apt repository.'
      - 'apt-transport-https'
      - 'ca-certificates'
      - 'curl'
      - 'gnupg'
      - 'python3-debian'
    state: 'present'

- name: 'Add Kubernetes repository.'
    name: 'kubernetes'
      - 'deb'
      - ""
      - '/'
      - 'arm64'
    signed_by: ""

After this, you will of course need to update your Apt cache and install the three Kubernetes tools we'll use shortly: kubeadm, kubectl, and kubelet.