Refactoring Argo CD

We're only a few projects in, and using Ansible to install our Argo CD applications seems a bit weak. It's not very GitOps-y to run a Bash command that runs an Ansible playbook that kubectls some manifests into our Kubernetes cluster.

In fact, the less we mess with Argo CD itself, the better. Eventually, we'll be able to create a repository on GitHub and see resources appear within our Kubernetes cluster without having to touch Argo CD at all!

We'll do this by using the power of ApplicationSet resources.

First, we'll create a secret to hold a GitHub token. This part is optional, but it'll allow us to use the API more.

Second, we'll create an AppProject to encompass these applications. It'll have pretty broad permissions at first, though I'll try and tighten them up a bit.

apiVersion: ''
kind: 'AppProject'
  name: 'gitops-repo'
  namespace: 'argocd'
    - ''
  description: 'GoldenTooth GitOps-Repo project'
    - '*'
    - namespace: '!kube-system'
      server: '*'
    - namespace: '*'
      server: '*'
    - group: '*'
      kind: '*'

Then an ApplicationSet.

apiVersion: ''
kind: 'ApplicationSet'
  name: 'gitops-repo'
  namespace: 'argocd'
    - scmProvider:
          organization: 'goldentooth'
            secretName: 'github-token'
            key: 'token'
          - labelMatch: 'gitops-repo'
    goTemplate: true
    goTemplateOptions: ["missingkey=error"]
      # Prefix name with `gitops-repo-`.
      # This allows us to define the `Application` manifest within the repo and
      # have significantly greater flexibility, at the cost of an additional
      # application in the Argo CD UI.
      name: 'gitops-repo-{{ .repository }}'
        repoURL: '{{ .url }}'
        targetRevision: '{{ .branch }}'
        path: './'
      project: 'gitops-repo'
        server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
        namespace: '{{ .repository }}'

The idea is that I'll create a repository and give it a topic of gitops-repo. This will be matched by the labelMatch filter, and then Argo CD will deploy whatever manifests it finds there.

MetalLB is the natural place to start.

We don't actually have to do that much to get this working:

  1. Create a new repository metallb.
  2. Add a Chart.yaml file with some boilerplate.
  3. Add the manifests to a templates/ directory.
  4. Add a values.yaml file with values to substitute into the manifests.
  5. As mentioned above, edit the repo to give it the gitops-repo topic.

Within a few minutes, Argo CD will notice the changes and deploy a gitops-repo-metallb application:

gitops-repo-metallb synced

If we click into it, we'll see the resources deployed by the manifests within the repository:

gitops-repo-metallb contents

So we see the resources we created previously for the BGPPeer, IPAddressPool, and BGPAdvertisement. We also see an Application, metallb, which we can also see in the general Applications overview in Argo CD:

metallb synced

Clicking into it, we'll see all of the resources deployed by the metallb Helm chart we referenced.

metallb contents

A quick test to verify that our httpbin application is still assigned a working load balancer, and we can declare victory!

While I'm here, I might as well shift httpbin and prometheus-node-exporter as well...