Bootstrapping the First Control Plane Node

With a solid idea of what it is that kubeadm init actually does, we can return to our command:

kubeadm init \
  --control-plane-endpoint="" \
  --kubernetes-version="stable-1.29" \
  --service-cidr="" \
  --pod-network-cidr="" \
  --cert-dir="/etc/kubernetes/pki" \
  --cri-socket="unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock" \

It's really pleasantly concise, given how much is going on under the hood.

The Ansible tasks also symlinks the /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf file to ~/.kube/config (so we can use kubectl without having to specify the config file).

Then it sets up my preferred Container Network Interface addon, Calico. I have in the past sometimes used Flannel, but Flannel doesn't support NetworkPolicy resources as it is a Layer 3 networking solution, whereas Calico operates at Layer 3 and Layer 4, which allows it fine-grained control over traffic based on ports, protocol types, sources and destinations, etc.

I want to play with NetworkPolicy resources, so Calico it is.

The next couple of steps create bootstrap tokens so we can join the cluster.